AGM Minutes

Minutes of the 34th AGM held Sat. 5 Oct. 2019 at The Bloomsbury Hotel Great Russell Street at 11.30 a.m.

Present:     T. Whitehead (in the Chair), J. Gledhill, R. Solly, M. Brill, S. Dennis, J. Eccles, J. Purser.
1. Apologies for absence: B. Beston, I. Fraser, J. Harwood, B. Norris, G. Oddie, V. Patel, D. Payne, M. Povall, R. Pratley, M. Tedds and P. West.                        
2. Chairman’s Opening Remarks:
The Chairman remembered our deceased member Mark Rollason and thanked the members for their help, especially John G in dealing with matters after Mark’s sudden passing.  He thanked John Purser for taking the minutes.  He mentioned the work he had done with Richard on scans and it was agreed to refund expenses of £150 for Richard Solly and £50 for the Chairman regarding their meetings.
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 6 October 2018:
Acceptance of the minutes, which had been previously published in Postal Order News, was agreed.
4. Matters Arising: None
5. Accounts: David Payne was unable to be here today so the accounts will be published in the Postal Order News.
6. Secretary’s Report: The Chairman thanked the members for their help with membership following Mark’s passing.
7. Election of Officers and Appointments: John G explained what he had needed to do regarding the journal printing and distribution after Mark’s passing. The Chairman said the journals were excellent and thanked Ross Pratley as well.  John G’s paper on the Secretary’s role was discussed along with comments from Ross.  John G said he was happy to continue arranging printing and distribution of the journal at present.  The officers and committee as at present, except Secretary was agreed.
8. MIDPEX: The Chairman thanked John G for his help and only five members were present.
9. Journal: The Chairman said the cost of journal production was approximately £500 per issue.
10. Website: John G gave an update and suggested including in the journal the existing Facebook pages set up by Aidan.  He mentioned the website set up by Mal Tedds and will contact him for the password.
11. Subscriptions: The Chairman proposed the reintroduction of subscriptions at the following annual amounts: for email only £5 and for paper copies of the journal £15 with a free email copy if requested.  After discussion this was agreed and would commence as from 1 January 2020.  Action by Dave Payne for the collection of subscriptions.  John G offered to provide a membership subscription form to meet G.D.P.R. requirements and supply copies to go out with the next journal.  It was agreed that only one journal would be sent out if members did not renew their subscription.
12. Auctions: No auctions had taken place this year.
13. New Publications: John G spoke about his forthcoming book on overprints.  Michael Brill’s book on British Postal Orders will probably be published towards the end of next year.  Scans from members of any rare items, both face and obverse, are welcomed.  The Chairman and Vince Patel plan to produce a book on promotional postal orders.
14. Any Other Business: a) John G requested that the cost of printing and distributing his book be noted for payment from Society assets. The cost for 120 copies would be £4,000 /£4,500 plus carriage and insurance, this was agreed.
b) Howard Lunn Trophy - It was agreed that the names of all authors with a vote would be published.
c) Life Membership was proposed for John Gledhill, Michael Brill and Tony Whitehead and agreed.
15. Date and Venue of next meeting: The IBNS Saturday 3rd October 2020 at 1.30pm.
16. Howard Lunn Trophy results and prize draw: The winner with seven votes was “Introduction to Totometer date stamps” by Tony Whitehead and Richard Solly. The prize draw winner was Gary Oddie.

The Chairman thanked the members for attending and the meeting closed at 13.03 hours.

Postal Order Society – AGM Election of Officers and Appointments:
Chairman: Tony Whitehead – Deputy Chairman: John Gledhill
Treasurer: David Payne 
Accounts Examiner: Gary Oddie
General Secretary: Ross Pratley - Committee Secretary: Vacant
Journal Editor: Ross Pratley / Asst. John Gledhill
Auctioneer: Richard Solly / Asst John Gledhill, Ian Fraser Publications Committee: Mal Tedds, Mike Brill, Tony Whitehead, Ross Pratley, John Gledhill
Overseas Representatives: Jack Harwood, John Eccles, Ross Pratley